Instrument of Governance (PDF)
- Instrument of Governance (PDF), adopted Spring 2012, amended December 2014, April 2015, April 2016, November 2020, March 2021, April 2021
Academic Professional Track Faculty
- Academic Professional Promotion and Reappointment Policies (PDF), adopted Spring 2012, amended April 2015, April 2016, May 2017, April 2018, May 2019 (under review for revision to align with the new university policy below. Please follow Provost’s new policy until updates are made to the HHS policy document to align with the Provost’s document.)
- UNCG Policy on Rank, Appointments, Reappointments, and Promotions (PDF)
- Promotion Materials Library
- Academic Professional Promotion and Reappointment Tips (PDF) (from May 2018 PPT presentation)
- Submit your Intent to Apply for Promotion
Tenure Track and Tenured Faculty
- Promotion, Tenure, and Reappointment Policies (PDF), adopted Spring 2012, amended Spring 2015
- Tips for Promotion and Tenure (PDF)
- Promotion Materials Library
- Submit your Intent to Apply for Promotion
Post-Tenure Review
- University Policy on Post-Tenure Review (PDF)
- Post-Tenure Review Training
- Post-Tenure Review on Faculty Success
Research Assignment Application
Workload and Annual Review
- Workload Document 2024-2025
- University Guidelines on Workload (PDF)
- University Policy on Annual Review (PDF)
- Annual Review on Faculty Success
Calendars for Timelines and Due Dates
- Workload and Annual Review Calendar (PDF)
- Promotion and Tenure Review Calendar (docx)
- Reappointment Calendar (docx)
- Post-Tenure Review Calendar (docx)
- Research Assignment Calendar (PDF)
HHS Faculty Assembly Executive Committee
Chair: Aaron Terranova (KIN)
Parliamentarian: Danielle Crosby (HDFS)
Members: Kathryn Aldridge (HDFS), Laurie Allen (NTR), Emily Hamuka (CSD), Justin Harmon (CTR), Larissa Witmer, Ex-officio (HHS)
(see HHS Standing Committees here)
HHS Minimum Class Enrollment Policy
Minimum class sizes will be implemented in HHS as follows :
- Graduate classes must have at least 5 students enrolled,
- 500-level classes must have at least 10 students enrolled, and
- Undergraduate classes must have at least 15 students enrolled.
By May 15 each year, Chairs will receive a list of low enrolled courses for Fall. They will work with faculty to determine whether a class should be cancelled, or determine a strategy for reaching enrollment minimums. Final decisions about class viability will be made by July 1 for undergraduate classes and by July 15 for graduate classes. Those deemed unlikely to “make” will be cancelled unless the Dean approves an exception for extenuating circumstances. Spring classes that do not meet these minimum enrollments by November 15 will be canceled unless the Dean approves an exception for extenuating circumstances.
Department Chairs are charged with monitoring course enrollments to ensure that minimum enrollments are met*. A list of all classes that do not meet minimum enrollments will be generated at the end of the pre-registration cycle each semester (approximately May 15 for the Fall semester; November 15 for the Spring semester). When classes need to be cancelled, Chairs will reassign faculty to alternate teaching or other duties.
*Typically, all classes that are designated as IS (independent study/individualized instruction) are not included in these course minimum analyses (independent study, internship, dissertation/thesis, etc.). In addition, classes where Chairs are able to use historical data to predict those courses that typically fill late will be exempted from these deadlines. Under enrolled classes in the latter category may still be cancelled at the discretion of the Dean.