Lizzie Biddle is a trainer with the Racial Equity Institute, as well as a volunteer with several local and national anti-racism and community building organizations. With the Racial Equity Institute, Biddle creates equity within organizations.
She is also the trainer and consultant with Finding Freedom, an initiative that leads trainings to examine the intersection of white and womanhood through a racial equity lens.
Ms. Biddle previously worked at the Center for New North Carolinians as a program manager, supervisor, and director of the Community Centers. She also serves on the steering committee of the Guilford Anti-Racism Alliance (GARA), focusing on Guilford County Board of Education racial equity initiatives and Black leadership.
Additionally, Ms. Biddle serves on several committees of the Friends Committee on National Legislation (FCNL), a Quaker-led national lobby organization that advocates for peace, justice, equity, and good government.