Dr. Lavon Williams earned her doctorate in Exercise and Sport Science, now Kinesiology, with a concentration in Sport and Exercise Psychology. After nearly 20 years on Guilford College’s faculty, she was named as the Lincoln Financial Professor in the Department of Sport Studies prior to her retirement from full-time teaching.
Dr. Williams has been involved in research and scholarly endeavors throughout her career, with more than 35 publications. She was named a Fellow of the Research Consortium of AAHPERD (now SHAPE America) and previously served on the board of the National Association of Girls and Women in Sport as vice-president of research.
At Guilford College, she helped create a model for the College’s current general education curriculum. At UNCG, Dr. Williams served on several Ph.D. and M.S. committees as an adjunct professor, as well as co-authoring two editions of the text, “Psychological Dynamics of Sport and Exercise,” with Kinesiology faculty.