SGA Led by Kinesiology Student Hazael Mengesha

Posted on August 25, 2022

Hazael Mengesha
UNCG SGA President Hazael Mengesha, Vice President Maura Crenshaw, Nontraditional Undergraduate Student Senator Azariah Journey

As the UNCG SGA begins its 100th session this school year, its primary initiatives focus on building community by creating consistency for students. “For the past two years, everyone’s lives have been inconsistent. We’re gaining students’ trust back and getting people more involved,” says Mengesha. “Our goal is to create structure, so future administrations can build upon what we’ve established.”

Mengesha, a senior kinesiology major with minors in biology and chemistry, never saw himself in a political position in college. “When I was in high school, my principal asked me to join the Equity Team, in which I talked to teachers about how to make classrooms more equitable,” he recalls. “When I got to UNCG, my friend pitched me to join SGA by telling me about the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Committee. That’s what motivated me to get involved.”