HHS News

Featured Stories & News

Featured Stories

  • Dr. Laurie Wideman Awarded the First Safrit-Ennis Distinguished Professorship

    Dr. Laurie Wideman Awarded the First Safrit-Ennis Distinguished Professorship

    The Department of Kinesiology has so much to be thankful for this Thanksgiving, but we would like to humbly extend our gratitude to Dr. JoAnne Safrit.  On November 13, Dr. Safrit made a $1 million contribution to the Department of Kinesiology by establishing the Safrit-Ennis Distinguished Professorship in Kinesiology.

  • Dr. JoAnne Safrit Makes Gift To Establish a Distinguished Professorship in KIN


  • Celebrate the Trail to Recovery

    Celebrate the Trail to Recovery

    Celebrate the Trail to Recovery, developed and organized by Professor Justin Harmon, of the Department of Community Therapeutic Recreation, is a program that offers cancer survivors a chance to go hiking on the many trails in the Greensboro region.

  • Mika and Kayo Robinson, BS in HDFS ’17 and ’15

    Mika and Kayo Robinson, BS in HDFS ’17 and ’15

    “I am a first-generation college student who comes from a hard working family that is rich in love but has faced many financial setbacks and challenges.” These sisters share a compelling story of growing up in a transnational, multi-lingual family that is Japanese and African-American.

  • Artmail for Alzheimer’s

    Artmail for Alzheimer’s

    ARTmail is an 8-week-long art exchange program designed and delivered by the Creative Aging Network NC. It includes two exchanges of artwork, created by people from two different Memory Care centers. Each participant builds upon the artwork that their partner sends to them.

  • HHS Welcomes New Faculty and Staff – 2017

    Dr. William Adams Assistant ProfessorDepartment of Kinesiologywmadams@uncg.edu Dr. Adam Berg AP Assistant Professor Department of Kinesiology apberg@uncg.edu Dr. Jennifer Coffman Associate ProfessorDepartment of Human Development & Family Studiesjlcoffma@uncg.edu Dr. Eric Drollette Assistant Professor Department of Kinesiology sdrolle@uncg.edu Dr. Elise Eifert AP Assistant ProfessorDepartment of Social Workekeifert@uncg.edu Dr. Jaclyn Maher Assistant … Continued

  • Birds, Bees and Barbershops

    Birds, Bees and Barbershops

    African American barbershops have long been places for the black community to open up, to speak freely. And Dr. Tanya Coakley is looking to them in her attempt to help foster better health communication between fathers and sons.

  • Building Peace: From Soldier to Professor


  • Congratulations HHS McNair Scholars of 2017!

    Asia Brannon Advisor: Dr. Olav Rueppell Major: NutritionConcentration: Dietetics and Pre-Medicine Hometown: Raleigh, NC Quote: Being a McNair Scholar will allow me to conduct community-based research in topics of my interest such as areas with food disparities, how to reach that audience, and educating them on the importance of nutrition. … Continued

  • HHS Faculty Receive 2017 UNCG Faculty and Staff Excellence Awards

    This year HHS was well represented at the UNCG Faculty and Staff Excellence Awards. We would like to congratulate the following faculty and staff for their hard work. Board of Governor’s Teaching Excellence Award Sharon Morrison (PHE) Graduate Mentor Award Cheryl Buehler (HDFS) Junior Research Award Amanda Tanner (PHE) Student … Continued

  • HHS Alumni Awardees – Spring 2017

    2017 Alumni Awardees HHS Distinguished Alumni Award The 2017 HHS Distinguished Alumni Award recipient is Dr. Jerry Tolley. Dr. Tolley received a Doctor of Education in Physical Education in 1982, under the guidance of the late Dr. Gail Hennis. By then, he had already established a successful career as the … Continued

  • Professor Sharon Morrison, of Public Health Education, Will Receive BOG Excellence in Teaching Award

